"The sun sees your body. The moon sees your soul."
What is a Full Moon?
The full moon occurs when the moon is directly opposite the sun in its orbit around the earth. It is within the opposite position that makes it the perfect time to surrender ourselves to the universe. The Full Moon represents closures and endings, whether it be in moon cycles, relationships, habits, or intentions. The full moon calls on us to release any stagnant or negative energy.
Whereas the new moon is about setting new intentions for the cycle ahead, the full moon is about looking inwards. It is the perfect time to reflect, look around, and release anything that is no longer serving your highest good. Rituals are important, especially during a Full Moon. This is a powerful time to honor and let go of the things that are no longer serving you and make space for anything new that would like to present itself.
Starting Your Rituals
In the beginning of any ritual, you want to set your space so that energy can move around freely and is clear for intention setting.
Step 1: Cleanse Your Space
Take this time to clear out any clutter in your space where you will be meditating. It's important to have a clean space so that energy can move around freely and not feel stuck.
Once clean, smudging your space and your crystals are highly encouraged. Smudging is an ancient cleansing ceremony practiced by indigenous Native Americans where you burn herbs to clear and purify the air and energy around you and your space. Sage is the most popular herb, followed by Palo Santo, and incense. You can find these tools on our website.
Step 2: Meditate
During the Full Moon, it is the perfect time to look inwards and check in on yourself. While the New Moon is great for setting new intentions, the Full Moon allows you to look introspectively and reflect. Take a moment to check in with yourself, how are you feeling, really? Take this time to do some breath work and allow yourself the space to get ready for your intention setting and rituals. You can access the Sacred Light Sound Bath audio recordings to assist you in your meditation here.
Step 3: Intention Setting
As you look into what you wish to release, consider these questions and write them down on a piece of paper:
- How am I feeling right now? Do I feel balanced? If not, what feels out of balance?
- Is there anything I wish to get rid of?
- Is there anything holding me back and no longer serving me?
- Do I need to release anything or anyone?
Crystal Rituals for the Full Moon
Ritual II: How To Create a Crystal Grid
Ritual II: How To Place Crystals on Your Chakras
Location: Top of Your Head
Crystals: violet, white or clear
Third Eye Chakra:
Location: Above or Between the Eyebrows
Crystals: indigo, dark blue
Throat Chakra:
Location: Center of the Throat
Crystals: blue
Heart Chakra:
Location: Center of Chest / Your Heart
Crystals: green or pink
Solar Plexus Chakra:
Location: Right Above the Navel
Crystals: yellow, light brown
Sacral Chakra:
Location: just below the navel
Crystals: orange, red
Root Chakra:
Location: base of the spine
Crystals: red, brown, black
Ritual III: How To Use Crystal Palm Stones