Sacred Light Blog

September Virgo New Moon 2018 - Sacred Light Soundbaths and Crystals

September Virgo New Moon 2018

What are you holding onto? "Perhaps you are holding onto the past, an idea, doubts, fears, insecurities, regrets, should haves and would haves; perhaps you are holding far too much than you can carry. The September New Moon falls on the 9th in the sign of Virgo and asks you to put down your hea...
August Pisces Full Moon 2018 - Sacred Light Soundbaths and Crystals

August Pisces Full Moon 2018

“Take a moment to pause. Take a moment to sit back and reflect on your life. Feel in to how far you have traveled. Feel in to all the painful moments. Witness how they have softened you. Witness how they have made you stronger. After a long journey of traveling within. After a long journey of s...
Lionsgate Portal 2018 - Sacred Light Soundbaths and Crystals

Lionsgate Portal 2018

"The Lionsgate Portal is considered a gateway into the heavens and into higher realms of consciousness. During this time, higher frequency energies from the star, Sirius are beamed down onto Earth, in order to help advance the human race and raise the consciousness of the planet. The Lionsgate...
July 2018 Blood Moon Total Eclipse - Sacred Light Soundbaths and Crystals

July 2018 Blood Moon Total Eclipse

July 2018 Blood Moon Total Eclipse "In astrology, the Moon rules over our emotional body and our intuition. It allows us to feel and reminds us that we are so much more than just what we can see. The Moon is how so many of us feel connected to the cosmos and to the skies, which is why over th...
July 2018 Solar Eclipse / Cancer New Moon - Sacred Light Soundbaths and Crystals

July 2018 Solar Eclipse / Cancer New Moon

"Solar Eclipses are always a time of change. Think of them like a powerful New Moon that can bring fresh opportunities and wake up areas of your life that have felt stagnant or old. July 12th brings a Partial Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer. This is the first Eclipse we have had in Cancer ...
The Spiritual Significance of the 2018 June Solstice - Sacred Light Soundbaths and Crystals

The Spiritual Significance of the 2018 June Solstice

"The word Solstice translates to “Sun standing still” and is a significant and sacred turning point that will bring a shift in energy. The Summer Solstice is the highest point of energy for the year. We are bathed in the full power of the Sun and everything is illuminated. The Sun is where we rec...